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Updated 10mo ago

Living with Depression and Epilepsy: Seeking Support

I have had depression since brain surgery for epilepsy in 2001. I recently changed meds from Prozac to lexapro and I am also on Oxtellar & Abilify. Anyone here on these meds & who can relate to epilepsy & depression? I also get migraines since 2005 & I currently take Nurtec.

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I do not have epilepsy but my best friend does and it is horrible. I can only imagine pairing that with depression. I will say I take Nurtec as well and it is a life saver.



I like the Lexapro. At first I refused, bad experience with cymbalta (extreme evil withdrawals, hubby would leave for the day with the kids, something to do with my metabolism) so Dr said it will help with the pain. I like it bc it helps keep me calm. I still have to take something for my anxiety. I don't have epilepsy but have had grand mal seizuires due to pain. Well thinking about it it's been 15 years since my last one, I was having 22teeth pulled. The best med I have been on for migraines is ajovy it's an injection once a month. I've been on quite a few others..

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