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2y ago

Dealing with Stressful Situations Alone

I'm dealing with new things that are stressful for me. I don't feel as though I can talk to anyone about it because I don't know how to voice my emotions and when I do I feel as though I weak. I'm not the best with communication in the first place I feel when I talk to people they always say that they went through something worse and they say that what I'm going through isn't that bad .

Your answer



2y ago

I'm probably going through way worse than you right now. I give people 2nd hand trauma when I open up. I have haunting scars on my body. And I want you to be kind to yourself. The people one upping you on suffering are toxic. They aren't dealing with their own problems and they don't want you to deal with yours. It makes them feel like bullshit. Let me break it down. If you're struggling with your "lesser" problem, they can use your struggle to feel better about their own attempts at coping. Maybe they didn't turn out as ok as they like to think they are and they're terrified by their own weakness. If they were strong, they could listen to you and help in spite of their own burdens. Sounds like they'd rather make you shut up instead of putting on grownup pants so they can nut up. Distance yourself from them. You can find people who truly care in the ones you neglect because you're trying to get support from toxic people you like better. Learn about the people who you don't have to chase down.


2y ago

I think you did a good job at voicing how you feeI here.❤️ I agree with Sam8908 on this one, that's definitely a them problem. What you feel matters.


2y ago

If its not too personal what state do u reside in I'm only asking cause I'm in Arkansas and I have AMBetter for health insurance and due to the fact I have no income at the moment all my medical expenses are paid for by then I don't know if they offer that in other states that's y I asked u good luck with ur quest to opening the door and allowing others to help u shoulder so of ur pain as well hopefully u find someone that shows u that they r willing to help u carry that burden


2y ago

Mads24 I would bet you could post what is going on truly on here and get support and maybe even suggestions on what might help and work. That is one amazing thing about this app. I hope this app can help you since it is free and a safe space


2y ago

I wish I had the fund to be able to talk to a therapist but I don't this was the only one thing that I thought might help and just writing what I did the other day really helped


2y ago

Hi I’m new here, so if this is not allowed I apologize in advance. Are you able to talk to a therapist at all? They may help you find some coping skills and techniques. As a 50 year old man in a very testosterone filled industry I’m not comfortable talking to anyone about my issues at work or even some friends. The therapist I have now has been extremely helpful not just with coping skills but in explaining why I feel the way I do sometimes, I found understanding the “why” was a huge help. Hope this helps, I hope I didn’t break any rules like I said I just joined. Good luck to you. 🙂


2y ago

Thank you all who've commented it means alot. It's hard to share because Ive just come so used to pushing things down and sealing them up to point where it's so weird for me to share my feelings with people. But I'm gonna try at least on here. Alot of my life I've felt like I wasn't enough for people or like I only mattered to my family and everyone else just used me as a stepping stone for themselves. I also suffered alot of body image issues and self image really. I can't look in the mirror anymore because my mind automatically picks out every that wrong with it. I just feel like I'm easily replaceable like that any one whose with me can always and probably will find someone better then me.


2y ago

Listen hun, heres the skinny ok you may be dealing with something most people might find mundane and not stressful at all but if it stresses you out then so be it cause you might go through something far worse then what I would find stressful and cake walk right through that shit everyone deals with stressors differently me I can't walk alone outside and if I hear a male voice I don't know I freeze and begin to freak out that's my major stressors the biggest ones or hardest one for me to get through every day okay now to you those things may be nothing but an everyday occurrence but that don't lessen my need to be validated and to b listened to right so don't let ANYONE tell u that they been through worse or that they are currently dealing with worse because if anyone says that to u ask right then (to whom) to whom is your situation more stressful because everyone is different and if at all possible if u need to talk just talk talk talk and I'll do my best to listen or advise and so far from what I've gathered in my short time with this app everyone here is gonna do the same ... I've learned to not let in person experiences define how much you share anonymously because not everyone looks the devil in the faces and thinks they have lived worse not everyone wants to one up u people that r really suffering right along with you they know what it is to suffer and trust me when I say we've been through enough we don't want to live anything worse so remember that when sharing with people face to face that know you or whatever those who have been through worse we don't want to live anything worse we r not here to one up ur issue we want to be a community that maybe somehow finds an answer to help people so that maybe by the grace of whatever deity you believe in the next generation won't have to live in a suffering state for things that we know in our heads and our hearts we should b able to not suffer from but for some reason or another we just can't get over it so I think if u share your emotions here that u will step out of ur shell enough to heal even if it's only a baby step u gotta crawl before u walk and walk before u run...sorry bout that long winded reply wish u all the best in ur road to recovery 🙃


2y ago

I can relate to what you're saying, I suggest taking your first steps here with us! Sometimes sharing anonymously can make things easier. We're here for you!


2y ago

Thats a them problem not you! There will always be someone worse off than us. But that doesn't mean that we're not important and don't need help. You're validated and if you ever need to talk I'll listen. I always ask my friends before they start, "Do you need advice or just someone to shut up ans listen?" And then I give them what they ask for. I hope yiu find someone who can do that for you too.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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