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Updated 10mo ago

Dealing with Racing Thoughts and Anxiety

How do y'all deal with constant racing thoughts? I can usually deal with them throughout the day but I've been so anxious lately that it seems to overpower my medication and continue while I try to sleep. I haven't been getting great sleep and do yoga and deep breathing before bed. vistaril has always worked but now it feels like it doesn't. any methods or medications that work for you? I've seen animals on trazodone and want it now haha

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Kolonopin is what I started taking when vistiril stopped working but it is highly addictive and doctors are reluctant to prescribe it. My racing thoughts developed into psychosis but both are controlled pretty well if I remember to take my Depakote. Try to focus on the here and now. Constantly ask yourself what seems logical and get a trusted person to fact check it



The best thing for me is to take deep breaths , sit back and watch stupid tv. General Hospital has been a long time drug for me. Plus, I can take an extra vistaril. Take a walk outside.



My psych and therapist had me using a prescription prn (vistral) which helped some- but just made me sleepy. Then, they both pushed me to try CBD. I was nervous at first, but it helped calm my body down enough so I can directly work on my thought process/ what’s worrying me.



Dr strange simp has a pretty good point when it comes to a fact checking person. I like to state all of my thoughts as statements and slowly everything comes out and I feel like it’s not just me handling these issues. They help me choose what is super important and what can wait a little. I like to also tell myself I don’t have to keep those smaller thoughts in my head- because if it’s super important, they’ll remind me later on. I also like to say statements like “I am safe. You are safe. We are safe.” And “I am okay. You are okay. We are okay.”



Umm I don’t



I get them from ADHD. I take adderall to help with that. I like to go on walks or daydream. Usually it’s a sign I need to stimulate my brain to get more dopamine.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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