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1y ago

Dealing with PCOS and PTSD: Seeking Advice

hey all! I was diagnosed with PCOS a few months ago. I'd go months between periods, painful and heavy when they came, my blood work showed my hormones were all over the place and i started growing hair on my neck 😬 I also have PTSD which I was diagnosed after a traumatic event last year. I feel exhausted all the time, loss of executive function and some days I'm just emotionally and physically exhausted. I don't know how much of that is PTSD or how much it's PCOS. I'd love to hear what other people's experiences with PCOS have been. how does it affect your motivation and energy?? also has anyone found any treatments that are not the pill? I want to get on top of my PCOS but don't even know where to start 🤯

Your answer



1y ago

I feel you dear, PCOS is no joke, I have the flo app so I can monitor how long I go between my periods, I will usually skip 2 months then I'll have a normal 2 months then skip 2 months again from what I've seen so far. My PCP has me on Metformin and Spironolactone (to help with the hair growth). When I first started being irregular I was on my period for 2 years straight, and I would be off for a day or two here and there, it was absolut hell. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Just know that no two people are the same and PCOS is still very misunderstood, you will feel like a broken record explaining your symptoms to every doctor you come in contact with, and some may brush them off but DO NOT GIVE UP! YOU ARE WORTH YOUR FIGHT! As far as PTSD babe I know how much hell that is. I have a hard time getting in a car due to it. Both can cause fatigue and irritability. Just take a deep breath and do what it takes to get to the next second, the next minute, the next hour, the next day! You are in my thoughts!


1y ago

thankyou ❤️


1y ago

I was diagnosed with PCOS early last year and my CPTSD has been flaring since a traumatic event just over a year ago. I definitely feel the hair growth. My brothers are starting to hit puberty and I now have more facial and body hair than them. I struggle so much with executive function. I can hardly get out of bed most days and I'm neglecting all my friends


1y ago

I have a pcos and Cptsd so I can empathize with your situation! Honestly the best thing I did was get an iud and it stopped my heavy bleeding and my period all together. I’m actually going to get another! I used the mirana brand because it has less hormones. I also was prescribed metformin.


1y ago

The best treatments are natural. There are no medical ones at the moment that I've heard so far. Eating seeds like flax seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds (I usually get mixed milled seeds like in a powder foam), and I feel like figs help, too. I follow tips from a PCOS nutritionist on Instagram.


1y ago

Sorry for the long message!


1y ago

Hi there! The symptoms you listed do come with PCOS as well . If you can and haven't already, get some tests done on your thyroid, but not from your regular doctor. The levels that general practitioner doctors test for thyroid function have a larger range and so what may be normal in their testing isn't necessarily normal. There are also extra things that can be tested for that aren't included in from your regular doctor. Endocrinologists can help with that, but sometimes you also have to go to other thyroid experts to get the right information. Depending on where you live will depend on your access to an expert. If you have insulin resistance, you could go on Metformin which helps with insulin sensitivity, but there are also more natural alternatives such as Inositol and NAC. A few people/organisations that I follow are PCOS Diva, PCOS Nutrition Center, The PCOS Dietician, and Melissa Ramos. They have a lot of information, tips, and plans for us Cyster's. There is also PCOS Support Girl. She has some helpful information but she's mostly about supporting people on their journey rather than giving advice. Most of these people who can find in FB or Instagram, or just Google them.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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