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Updated 11mo ago

Dealing with Panic Attacks: Coping Strategies

I just had a massive panic attack, i’ve had ones like this before: hyperventilating, loss of mobile function, hands cramping and body numbness; but it feels so much worse knowing it all happened because of one bad day at school. i bottled everything up and it exploded the second i got home. i dont know how to cope without sh (ive been clean two weeks and havent relapsed yet) i just want to know how to better deal with huge meltdowns like that, aside from grounding and reflecting.

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Hi! I totally understand how hard it can be, but after a big panic attack for me, you really want to focus on relaxing your body and mind as much as you can in the moment and focus on the present. For me, I like to take a warm bath/shower, call my mom, sip some warm tea, lay in bed with a heating pad, etc.



You just want to take it one step/day at a time and really keep positive thoughts and affirmations going. You WILL overcome and you WILL be okay. Don’t overwhelm yourself. You got this!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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