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Updated 10mo ago

Dealing with Overstimulation: Tips and Tricks

Do you ever get overstimulated in situations? Sometimes when I am simply walking I get really stressed out. I just close my eyes for a second and take a deep breath to calm myself. Does this happen to you ever? How do you deal with it?

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Yeah, I think that's why they call it anxiety 😂 I can just be sitting there watching TV and start feeling panic... about what? I don't even know! I do meditate and have a mantra that helps. Closing your eyes and breathing deep is a good practice. We're simply wired this way. My siblings all have it to various degrees and our mother would have full-blown panic attacks. I've had two in my life and you think you're dying. I use CBD gummies and CBD oil under the tongue, meditate, and on really rare occasions, I have to resort to medicine, which I did last week after having vertigo for a week, my defenses were really down and I always carry 3 pills. I only take one, but always carry 3. But mostly I use my own calming devices.



Yeah I struggle to manage it sometimes and just get quiet so I don’t lash out at people.



Yes, anxiety makes you irritable. I don't know about you, but I tend to perseverate. And I'm constantly in my head ruminating, so when someone interrupts that process of me "worrying" about things, it can make me respond in an irritated way. As an introvert I do need down time and I do need that alone time and I don't like to be interrupted when I'm having it and sometimes it's just in my head where I'm being alone. I think anxiety and introvertism go hand in hand. The lockdown and social distancing didn't bother me a bit 😂 I'm married to an extrovert who's constantly bringing strangers up to me with this happy smile on his face... Look! I found a human-being! ... While I smile weakly, eyes darting looking for the nearest exit. 😥



all the time, i carry my airpods with me for the noise cancelling in case i feel overstimulated. if not, i try to escape to a restroom or go outside for a moment to re-ground. hope this helps!:)



I have found cannabis helps my anxiety.



Yes, I went to a hotel yesterday and I started freaking out. I had a small room with a big bed. The bathroom was so tiny. I use magnesium. It relaxes the muscles and journaling and pacing also helps.



i get overstimulated a LOT. recognizing what tends to cause it and identifying when you’re having a day that you’re more sensitive to stimulation is good, then avoiding what you can or figuring out what you can do to make a situation/thought more comfortable for you. having steps worked out before you feel overwhelmed can help when it comes up. taking a deep breath is very good



When I am stressed and cannot breathe correctly, I sometimes blow bubbles. This might sound silly, but it really helps me breathe in and out. I visualize all of my stress in the bubbles. When they pop, I then visualize my stress disappearing.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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