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Updated 11mo ago

Dealing with Nausea and Loss of Appetite from New Medication

I was for sure gonna puke last night! My new med has nausea & not hungry symptoms as side effects. I was really hoping that I wouldn't puke! I laid down quick. Ah, I feel much better now! My new med is a once weekly shot injection (TRULICITY). My doc said it helps with weight loss as well.

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✋Hello, my name is Sherri. I've been on SO MANY different antidepressants and mood stabilizers I've lost count. My last problematic medicine was Topamax! It made me lose like ⅓ of my beautiful thick long hair! I would curl up in the fetal position in the shower and just start balling!! I really hope the side effects wear off soon! Take care and we've been matched so if you ever need to talk to someone.... My diagnosis: GAD, MDD, PTSD, OCD, ADD, BPD, and manic episodes.) Hope I didn't scare you off!! Have a great day!!



😥 sorry!!!!



God side effects suck. I was initially on Lexapro for my depression because supposedly it's supposed to have less side effects and I was dry heaving just like. Constantly. Thankfully never actually puked but when I had my six week check in it was like "Hey yea we need to switch this-" Hopefully it gets better for you!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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