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Updated 10mo ago

Dealing with Medical Struggles as a Teenager

I've had medical problems ever since I was 14/15 years old and I've felt like a lot of the time that my teenage years were ripped away from me. I'm 29 now but I still get angry from time to time with this. I go to therapy and it's helping but I feel like no one in my life fully understands. Does anyone ever feel like this and am I in the wrong for getting angry sometimes?

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I think its normal to go through this. For me finding the bright side of things helped/ finding a new goal. I used to be a workaholic and would study all the time, now I get to spend time doing other things like gardening and volunteering because I can't work as much. I spend a lot of time at the doctors and at physical therapy, but creating a new life goal not career centered and that I could realistically work towards really helped me



I am struggling with this too. I worked a lot and was very career oriented. I was fine one day and not the next and I'm still undiagnosed 2 years later. So yeah I'm angry and frustrated and depressed. I go to therapy and do my best to keep myself occupied. I like to cook, paint, and play video games. But therapy helps the most.



Have you a vitamin called Qcore? It has helped me to the cellular level, physically and mentally. It has helped lots of people who had medical issues that the doctors couldn’t find a solution too.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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