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Updated 10mo ago

Dealing with Illness: Seeking Tips and Support

I’m just trying to get tips and tricks on how to deal with my illnesses. I’m also looking for support.

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What illness is it? What kind of support? I'm willing to help if I can



The only illness we share is depression, so I’ll give some tips on that. I use medication to cope, and I am on my third one. Your profile shows you aren’t using any so maybe look into some antidepressants! If not, then I’ve found that making a list of things that relax your brain/things you enjoy and then doing one of those activities every day is good. Ideas: drawing, word puzzle books, cooking, cuddles with pet, going for walk, journaling, writing. Being in nature helps to ease my anxiety and lifts my mood a little. Making a schedule helps stabilize my mood and also eases my anxiety because I can mentally prepare for tasks. I hope this helps a little! 🌷



Hi, I used to have endometriosis (had a hysterectomy in 2016). I'd be glad to share my tips & experiences. Is there anything in particular you'd like to talk about?



I've had anemia before, and the woman in my family had it, my mother had two types. I don't have the disease but carry the gene fortunately. Yet I'm still screwed over by having a period with my neurological problems, the relation gets ignored as much a endometriosis can be including how disabling and sudden sometimes.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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