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Updated 11mo ago

Dealing with Health Anxiety: Coping Strategies

does anyone else deal with hypochondria/health anxiety? how do you cope with it? mine’s gotten worse this last year.

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Idk how to help with the coping thing but I def have it. Like I’m so concerned about what to expect anymore and it’s so hard. I just feel like I expect some illness or if there’s a tiny pain in my body, I always assume the worst.



i used to deal with it really really badly, & honestly what i've learned with anxiety/hypochondria, it definitely takes some time to learn how to cope. you should keep telling yourself that you're okay, bc when you say it a lot, you start to believe it! continuing to reassure myself, taking deep breaths & closing my eyes through panic attacks, making sure i'm not overstimulating my senses (smells, touches, etc.), and making sure that im going to bed at a decent time has really helped me. mine flares up at night, so having an earlier bedtime is important when coping. i also took effexor to help with my anxiety/hypochondria and it helped immensely! if you're comfortable with medications that's definitely one i'd recommend. i hope that helps!!!



I deal with this frequently & has also gotten worse over the past year. What helps me sometimes is looking around and seeing all these healthy people, I remind myself “look, they’re all doing fine. They’re healthy and I probably am too”. Eating healthy & Exercise/ working out helps me feel like my body is strong and healthy (I.e. less likely to fall to injury or illness). Just some thoughts ❤️



All the time, especially over the past year. It’s been difficult to separate real symptoms from imagined symptoms and to figure out what I need to see a doctor for. Lately, I’ve blocked Mayo Clinic and WebMD on my phone so I stop googling symptoms. I’ve found that avoiding my triggers like the news has really helped me.



How do you guys not let it get to your head though? Like for example, I woke up with my knees hurting and I was just like oh I wonder what this could be

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