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Updated 10mo ago

Dealing with FOMO and Anxiety

How do I deal with fear of missing out and the anxiety that comes with it? I constantly feel like I need to check up on the people who are not in my life anymore and once I do it, it really ruins me mentally. I need some advice other than just "distractions".

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It's important to remember people may have left your life for a reason! I know it's hard to accept, but if people can't love you with a disability, they shouldn't be in your life. Sometimes you have to acknowledge who leaves your life when you're well. โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿฉน My advice is journalling it out and dancing it out and letting the feelings happen, rather than avoid them. Just listen to your inner voice and ask it what's upsetting it and then nurture what it needs



i'm incredibly tired but i do want to respond to this, so to not lose this post, i'm commenting. will say something tomorrow



the fear of missing out is normal, but you shouldn't have to fear that though. your life experiences are your own and you get to choose what you want out of this life. i used to constantly feel like i had to check on these people but a relationship consists of two people. if they're causing you distress, it is best to not believe it's a you problem. people choose their own behaviors and life as well. start living yours! i still think about those who have left, wronged me, etc. and although i miss the time i've had with these people, but it also comes with acceptance that people just do that sometimes. take the time you need to process it and think to yourself whether or not it's worth trying for a relationship. take it easy!!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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