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Updated 11mo ago

Dealing with EDS: Tips and Tricks

I deal with hip subluxations multiple times daily. Yes, even during, ahem, “intimate times.” It’s about as fun as it sounds. My fingers stiffen and lock up at random, and I have so little strength in my wrists and hands that I can’t even open a jar of pickles by myself. I’ve gotten very good at just popping my joints back into place when they start to slip out. I often have to force my body up out of bed or off a chair or couch with the aid of a cane because my knees and ankles hurt so bad. I sound like Rice Krispies cereal when I walk. Snap. Crackle. Pop. Click. Crunch. I wanna know how some of you guys deal with EDS and maybe give some tips to help me out.

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Oof. I’m waiting till marriage so hopefully I figure out how to fix my hip probs before then😅🥲😂 but yeah right there with you… like is there anything to do to help EDS? I’ve tried KT tape but can’t figure out how to get it off without ripping off skin🤨



I practice low impact exercise such as Pilates and tai chi. It’s made my EDS less severe and my joints tougher



I second tomato exercises and pt are essential. I particularly love Qigong

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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