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Updated 9mo ago

Dealing with Chronic Knee Pain: Seeking Advice

I am having some trouble figuring out what to do about my knees. I've knee pain for a few years now, and it's been getting to the point that I often have trouble walking (not to mention how stairs are off limits). I went to a doctor and we exhausted all the options except surgery. Right now, I wear braces/kt tape to stabilize my knee, especially my knee cap since it has abnormal tracking. In addition, I had an MRI done and I potentially have some tearing in my meniscus or something going on that outer side of my knee. Has anyone been in a similar situation? Is there something I haven't tried yet? Or was surgery the best route of treatment for you?

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My mom has a torn meniscus and is getting surgery. It's supposed to be very minor with just pinholes. Doctor said she would kn a stationary bike 2 days post op. With EDS it might be longer for you, but shouldn't be bad



I have very messed up knees, and our situations sound similar. Ask me questions. I did surgery because I popped my right knee acl a little and my meniscus. 1) What have your doctors who have an eds background said to you? 2) I'm getting fitted with orthotics soon, and the suggestions from them have already helped so much! 3) My most recent surgery only helped for 2 years :,) but you may have a different outcome.



I had MPFL reconstruction twice and both failed after a few years. I know that’s not your meniscus, but I would take into consideration how severe your dislocations are. i was dislocation 10-20 times a day. if you have less severe dislocations, i’ve heard it is more successful



Have you done physical therapy? That's the only thing that has helped me stave off surgeries. But eventually, it gets to be time. It sounds like it might be there for you. When I have daily pain limiting my movement no matter what else I do, that's when I know it may be time.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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