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Updated 11mo ago

Dealing with Anxiety-Induced IBS: Seeking Advice

I’ve always had anxiety but never had a panic attack until the day after I had my first COVID vaccine. I woke up feeling like an elephant was on my chest, felt faint, my whole body was numb and it was coming in waves, it was terrifying. After that, I never felt the same. My daily anxieties I always could cope with intensified into daily chest pain and stomach issues which also included tons of belching, random shooting pains throughout my body and tingling and numbness in various extremities. The doctors ruled out cardiac issues first, then GI doc said I had a hiatal hernia and GERD. None of the medicines helped me. I didn’t know what to eat because everything made me feel terrible. I never had any food sensitivities before. After seeing many doctors, an integrative medicine NP put me on the LOW FODMAP diet and multiple vitamins and supplements. I started feeling a little better! So basically my anxiety is triggering IBS. Im trying to learn to handle my anxiety naturally but it’s not easy and I’m impatient. I have kids and I hate my symptoms impact my daily life. Any advice or anyone can relate? My regimen so far… Morning-Ginger tea, glutamine, Probiotics, multivitamin, berberine, D3, omega 3, Ltheanine, 20 mg cbd Night-magnesium, cbd As needed:more Ltheanine, GABA, IBguard, iberogast, digestive enzymes, rhizinate, mint tea

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Also practices to diminish anxiety that help some are yoga, calm music, deep breathing, going to bed at decent time, praying and listening to Psalms, journaling, limit phone time, planning week with a calendar, heavy blanket at night, heating pad, lavender in shower and on pillow, cutting out caffeine, drinking less alcohol, and not eating past 7:00.



I make sure personally to use grounding effects I also name out TV characters seems to be one of my really good ways to stop or decrease a panic attack or anxiety attack for me personally I make sure to have sour candy on me at all times to decrease the likelihood that I will have a panic attack and make sure to use ginger as well cuz that seems to be a really good thing for my nausea personally please feel free to reach out at any time if I can be helpful to you in any way



90 percent of your nervous system is in your digestive system so of course we experience stomach issues tying into anxiety. Sounds like you're doing all the things needed to help slow down the digestive process.



berberine has a very short half life should be taken 3 times a day



lower doses 500

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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