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Updated 11mo ago

Dealing with a Possible Cancer Diagnosis

Has anyone had a cancer scare? Or any other serious health scare? I had an MRI a couple weeks ago and they found a tumor that they thought was benign and nothing to worry about. I had a CT scan today and it says the tumor is definitely abnormal and possibly cancerous. I don’t know how to deal with it. I’m pretty sure it’s not and I’ll be fine but it’s still scary. If you’ve dealt with a health scare let me know what helped you handle it!

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I had a pap smear come back abnormal once and they found precancerous cells in my cervix. I got through it by leaning on my boyfriend and family.



thank you! Sadly my family isn’t being very sympathetic and my boyfriend is super busy. But I’m so glad you had people



I'm currently going through a scare, don't have any answers yet. But some things that have helped me is my family being there to lean on when I need it and doing research to understand why whatever is happening is happening. Knowledge is power. Positive affirmations have helped as well. Knowing it's not something I can control helps me most of the time, because then I know that the next steps are steps that I can control. It's difficult to say though what would help others, because looking into medical details has also had the opposite effect on me. I'll keep tabs on responses here as well, to see if anything would help me further :) hopefully this helps



thank you for sharing! I tend to like knowing things but it’s hard. The more I read the more I think I have it (so many symptoms match up), even though I likely do not.



I had a car accident years ago, and had to have xrays of my head. Though thankfully I had no damage, they found a mass on my brain. Fortunately, it's benign, but there was a long period where they didn't know if it was. Unfortunately, it's located in an area that is near impossible to remove & it's putting pressure on an area that is causing me many health issues. It's growing very slowly, but the more it does the more issues I have. My copping mechanism probably isn't the healthiest, but the way I get thru it is to ignore it. I honestly forget I even have it & that it's the root of a lot of my medical issues. I don't like talking about my health problems to my family and friends, cuz I fear they'll think I'm over exaggerating and looking for attention. I've always been this way about any issues in my life & deal with them alone.



thank you for replying, I’m so sorry you’re going through this! I’ve tried ignoring things but it just comes back worse later for me. Hopefully though I can ignore it for tonight until I talk to my doctor tomorrow!!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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