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Updated 10mo ago

Cysts in Armpit - Need Help!

Ok I feel like this sounds weird but does anyone else get cysts in their armpit? It only happens for me in one and and I never had them before grad school. Any help or thoughts would be much appreciated

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Sounds potentially like Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). It’s a co-morbidity of EDS and presents differently in everyone. I had this issue with any deodorant I tried, even ones that were marketed as natural! The plain arm & hammer deodorant and the hypoallergenic Native deodorant helped heal my underarms from these spots and scarring. I would try a few that have clean, natural or limited ingredients (you can use the ThinkDirty app to find out the toxicity level of your current deodorant and help find a better fit). You may need to go without deodorant for a few days or simply cleanse with baking soda and see if that helps to clear it up. If nothing resolves after a week, it’s probably best to see a dermatologist and find out if something else is going on.



thank you! This is super helpful and I never heard of this! I was totally wondering if it could be EDS related, but it also only happens in one armpit!



I did then I changed the deodorant I used and they went away. Turns out I was allergic to the aluminum in the deodorant

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