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2y ago

CPTSD and its Effects on My Physical Health: Seeking Answers

I have CPTSD. My PCP is telling me that almost all of my physical conditions can be linked to CPTSD and it's effects on the body. I have issues with: -Gastrointestinal system -Nervous system -Cardiovascular system -Muscular system -Skletal system -Immune system -Reproductive system -Urinary System & -Suspected Endocrine system issues The only ones left are... -Integumentary System -Respiratory system I could have probably have included the respiratory system because the bottom of my lungs are partially collapsing, but it doesn't cause symptoms so I didn't. it just doesn't seem like CPTSD or mental illness could be the answer. I'm 24. I shouldn't be this sick all the time. I just want an answer so I can treat it instead of treating a million different chronic symptoms just so I can get out of bed in the morning. Are there any other young adults going through this?

Your answer



2y ago

Read “the body keeps the score” — amazing book my therapist recommended to me about the ways trauma is connected to physical health. Reading about the anatomical connections made me feel so much less crazy about all the physical symptoms I was having related to my ptsd!


2y ago

I think they're correct. Many, many physical issues can be linked to, if not directly caused by, CPTSD/PTSD. It's still important to seek medical help and treatment for those issues, though!


2y ago

PTSD is scary. My therapist who is a trauma specialist showed me that it literally manifests as a physical brain injury


2y ago

Yes! Oh my gosh, yeah. I was under my traumatic circumstances for about 17 years and I'm 21 now and I know it has taken a huge toll on my body. I think it is helpful in some ways to know that the body keeps the score and that most everything I can connect back to trauma because it motivates me to do the core work. Inner child work, DBT skills for safety and trauma processing because the more I chop away at healing, the easier it will be to prioritize my physical health too.


2y ago

I know about a handful of obscure disorders that are often hard to diagnose, but idk if they'd apply to you. Lyme can explain a lot, it the test to get me diagnosed cost about $400-500


2y ago

So sorry you're going through this. If you're having fainting spells in heat, that could be orthostatic hypertension or POTS. It can be hard to get diagnosed, but my OH improves if I eat lots of sea salt (I add it to 1/2 tsp sea salt to each 3 cups of water). Treatment for POTS can be similar. It sounds like most of your symptoms are *not* psychosomatic. Are you on any local chronic illness support groups? Or anything like that on Facebook or Reddit? They may have good ideas too. I don't remember what causes high CRP.


2y ago

My PCP is running the tests to get more information, but thus far all but one has come back normal. MY C Reactive Protein was above 10, the average max is 3. This means I have severe amounts of swelling in my body, but we have no explanation as of yet. All we know is that it is not my heart as they did an echocardiogram. But I almost died because doctors claimed my severe chest pain that had me crying and screaming in pain and in the ER every 2 weeks for 6 months was anxiety/panic attacks. It ended up being gallbladder attacks, and by the time they admitted me to the hospital I had a stone escape and hit my pancreas. I don't trust doctors at all as a result. The only one of my physical conditions that worsens during depression/bad CPTSD/anxiety flares is my gastrointestinal issues. I have gasteoparesis and it becomes near impossible to eat during those times. But nothing else seems to flux like that, for worse or better. My doc says that she's not 100% convinced it's my PTSD, and therefore is willing to do the legwork to rule out other things. But she has warned me that most/all of it could be from my body constantly being in fight/fight/fawn/freeze mode and the stress that causes. And I can see some of that. The shoulder back and neck pain certainly could be related from tensing my muscles and I'm sure other things could be too that I don't understand. It honestly makes me want to go to school to get a degree and become a doctor just so I can have the education. But i would rather spend my money getting a doctorate in Paleontology, not medicine. But I can't exactly go out on a dig site and work if I'm having fainting spells due to physical activity that are worsened by exposure to heat. I'm just so frustrated and tired. I have specialist appointments at least 2x monthly, see a therapist at least once a week, see my PCP twice a week, Im supposed to be in physical therapy 3x a week but I just don't have time. And on top of that, I end up at urgent care or the ER about once a month because of stuff that seems like an emergency but gets chalked up to depression or another chronic illness. For example, sometimes I get horrible abdominal pain near my appendix. So of course, ER is the correct option. I only recently learned that it's probably linked to my endometriosis, but I also can't chance it, especially after the shit with my gallbladder. I'm progressing towards EMDR therapy with my therapist who is honestly amazing. But, I'm just... Tired. It's a full time job just to manage my health.


2y ago

I have CPTSD as a result of years of life threatening systemic illnesses being improperly diagnosed and untreated. Sounds like what you're going through, too


2y ago

I also have C-PTSD. As a person who has has many doctors say that my other physical symptoms were linked to my mental health. 🙄 While I find that statement a slap to my face...I have also read The Body Keeps Score and many scientific journals that state how unresolved trauma can cause physical symptoms/diseases.


2y ago

I am 25 and have a lot of similar issues. Honestly, I think it is a mix of the two. Now, I am not really sure which one happened first for me, but I can definitely say that they both play into each other for me. The more I struggle with my mental health usually the worse my symptoms are. The more time I have spent at the doctor the more I have started to look for alternatives to treat my conditions. It isn’t perfect but eating better and exercise do help me a lot with both my mental and physical health.


2y ago

It *could* be psychosomatic, but it's hard to rule out all physical causes. If you can find a doctor who thinks outside the box, I'd try them. I found luck with non-mainstream medical doctors.


2y ago

Also I have C-PTSD


2y ago

I saw 30 doctors before I got diagnosed with Lyme disease, which was what was actually causing my physical symptoms. Before that, many of the doctors ran a bunch of tests, then were like, well you have psych problems, maybe your issues are psychosomatic. Anyway, I'm doing a lot better physically now. But it took a few years to find an accurate Lyme test, and a practitioner who could help me.


2y ago

Definitely get a second and/or 3rd opinion. However, even if a doctor finds a disease or disorder causing these symptoms, I find that bad or mismanaged mental health periods in my life are times where healing from sickness is harder than when I'm in a good place mentally. Wouldn't help to also talk to your therapist about things that may help with your cptsd while you battle your sickness


2y ago

Doctors like to write off pain and other illnesses as being caused by mental health a LOT. Especially for women. If you think something else is going on, get a second or third opinion. While there can certainly be some links, all avenues should be explored instead of just writing it off as "related to mental illness"


2y ago

She has run a ton of tests and I'm seeing at least 7 specialists not including eye and dental stuff. This doc is the first to really take me seriously. She's doing the tests and such, but says the thinks at least some and quite possibly most of it is directly related to my CPTSD. I'm just so exhausted. My trauma started with my very first memory in life at the age of 3. So I guess it makes sense that 21 years of unhealed trauma would cause a lot of issues, but I'm exhausted and I just want to have hope that it's at least mostly treatable. Right now I struggle to keep a job, I can't get disability, and I'm in so much pain. I just want to be able to live a normal life


2y ago

I've had many doctors tell me that a lot of mental and physical illnesses go hand in hand, and trauma + stress can even trigger certain conditions or make them worse. I believe that although a lot of my illnesses were probably caused or exacerbated by my stress and mental disorders, i don't think it's true for all of them. my asthma has seemed to always be there since birth, but I have had nurses claim its caused by my mental illnesses even though I was prescribed a breathing treatment machine at birth... the science of all of it is tricky since there isn't a lot of substantial evidence against things like chronic fatigue or fibro being "caused" by ptsd. the closest thing I had that I can say WAS caused by stress and cptsd was an ulcer and some other gastrointestinal issues i was having. my doctor said this was due to me having too many stress hormones in my body or something. with my mental health and enviornment being better i no longer have any of it


2y ago

I think your PCP may be right. mental illness can severely impact your physical health. for me, having PTSD leaves me bedridden on some days. so it's not hard for me to believe that your physical issues can be linked to CPTSD

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