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Updated 11mo ago

COVID and Fibromyalgia: Will This Change the Way We Look at Chronic Illness?

since COVID I understand that people are developing a similar long term condition to fibromyalgia. more people in the medical field are being afflicted with similar symptoms and curious if this will change the way this illness gets looked at. moreover I wonder if this will impact the urgency and necessity to find answers and better treatment options.

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It's been an uphill battle from the beginning to get doctors and others to acknowledge that it's a real condition. I was diagnosed at 19, which was in 1998. So many doctors dismissed me when I said I had fibromyalgia. It's gotten better to a point, but you're right I never hear about people researching the disease and looking for treatment/cure. I of course don't want those people that were treating COVID patients to get sick, but maybe it will help.



agree 100%. Includes Pots and other autoimmune disease, as ive had cfs/fibro 30 uears ago until chemo took it away. Then with this cancer occurrence its mainly POTS. anemia in both cases. Thrombocytopenia first time. Thus tine hypokalemia and hypercalcemia. When this round started 4 years ago, both my husband and i called the cancer aspect a year before the mammogram confirmation. All same, just different. Now pulled kidneys, then sciatica into the mix too. But POTS is lightening a bit.



I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia one year after my first Covid infection. Drs say Covid was the cause. They initially thought it was long-covid due to the overlap of symptoms. I was diagnosed relatively quickly compared to others, and I think it might be because my symptoms were taken more seriously due to my past Covid infection. When I had disability assessments and explained my story, assessors have said that it's becoming relatively common.



It's unfortunate that it took COVID-19 and so many people having chronic illnesses after recovering from it for those conditions (fibro, POTS, CFS, etc) to be taken seriously. 😠 But, I am glad that those conditions are being taken seriously now. Hopefully, more people will be able to get the help they truly need. No one should suffer needlessly from chronic pain, crippling anxiety, chronic fatigue, etc.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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