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Updated 10mo ago

Cortisone Epidural Injections for Spinal Problems

Has anyone had success with cortisone epidural injections for spinal problems.

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Yes, after my second injection plus physical therapy. I was desperate with nerve pain. The first one only lasted 2 weeks, the second one was months ago now. Nerve pain is seldom now. I still have lumbar pain and inflammation. Also, I’m on Gabapentin.



They are Not good for your spine, they will deteriorate it. I have hd several injections and Initially helped but then it broke down the bone and cartilage at the injection sight causing it to pinch nerve and cause bone spurs. I spent 18 months over 4 years in PT with little to NO improvement . I am on hydro, tramadol, gabapentin, Paxil for nerve pain it helps some but I have found Massage, acupuncture Chiro and warm pool or hot tub help just as well. I have been dealing with the pain since 2006 .



If you live in a medical or recreational THC approved state try 5-10 mg of Delta 8 gummy. It will knock the pain out for 3-5 hours most times



I already have osteoarthritis too. My doctor laid out all my options. I’ve had a herniated disc L5/S1 and had surgery 8 years ago. I’m glad I decided to have it done but that was my choice. Plus, I love my doctor who is always upfront with me. Therapeutic massage once a month and continued PT exercises at home daily. I wish you all the best!



I do CBD for the pain also. 👍



I tried CBD with no Luck. I have ruptured damages at C2-T3. L1-S1 and severe stenosis with some places have no spinal fluid getting thru. I was told 17.5 hrs on the table just for my neck and another 5-7 for the low back. The neck scares the hell out of me. I am trying to wait u til they have better technology and can cut the times down.



NO. I had one a few weeks ago and now I'm bedridden and in the worst pain of my life. When I got there, I was in horrible pain but I was able to walk with a limp. 2 days after the shot, I'm bedridden and in the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. I will never have another one as long as I live. I'm now having to have a laminectomy in a few weeks to decompress the nerve. For some reason the epidural injection just aggravated everything and made it a gazillion times worse. I can barely roll over in bed now. Most less stand and walk. It ruined me. I just hope this surgery will help me to walk again in a few weeks. I've already had a microdiscectomy a few years ago and it went great. No more pain. My pain is coming from the disc above it this time and crippling debilitating sciatica that is causing me to be bedbound.



My insurance won't approve any injections for spinal pain it sucks but I will say I had a cortisone shot in knee once and it kept my knee pain free for like 6 months



Just know cortisone shots flair your pain up at the beginning of the injection but after a few days it does go down but those first few days are excruciating



Cortisone weakens collagen. Injections may help in the short term but cause long term problems. If someone wants to do this to you I would look for a different practitioner.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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