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Updated 11mo ago

Coping with Chronic Pain and Depression

Hi everyone! I'm new to this app, I'm 21 years old, and I've had chronic pain in my hip for about 2 and a half years now. It's very debilitating and affects me physically and mentally. Does anyone have any advice for how to cope with the depression that often comes along with the chronic pain?

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I have hip pain from my endometriosis but really I just try to focus on the good days. Like it will hurt like a b but I’m like let’s just take some meds and tomorrow it will feel better. Don’t push yourself but get up for a 5 minute walk can help stretch those muscles and then go back to resting.



I'm turning 30 this year and it just takes time. It hurts every time someone says I'm "too young" to be in so much pain or to be complaining like I do. Take care of yourself first and don't feel bad about saying no or admitting to your pain. F the people who try and say you're too young or that your pain doesn't compare to theirs. And do say no. You matter and you should prioritize you.



Have you seen a doctor about your hip pain? I think most Orthopaedics docs would do at least an X-ray, maybe an MRI. Mine always starts with anti inflammatory drugs (usually by Rx) and PT.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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