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Updated 10mo ago

How to control the urge to pace?

Okay so I know that it's a general symptom to repeat doing the same thing or a motion but mine just so happens to annoy everyone. I have a serious pacing problem, like just pacing back in forth, reading, eating, drawing, I do it all pacing but the problem is it annoys my family and I don't know what to do about it. The worst part is whenever I hear music [which is frequently] I feel the urge to pace, which of course annoys them. Is there anyway to control the urge to pace or to make it somehow less annoying?

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maybe try other forms of movement that work 4 u? i’m not sure why people find it annoying but maybe try 2 find a way 2 express urself and be okay w it, no matter what people say



Yeah I can kinda relate! Really often I move my feet or legs or toes, and sometimes my family used to ask me to stop because it was annoying them. Sometimes if I’m moving my legs or feet, then it can be less annoying to move my toes. Or move my hands or fingers instead. So yeah like the other person said, you could maybe find another way to move. You could also consider telling them that you really need to move, and you’re not doing it to annoy them it is just what you need to do to feel comfortable. And if they know about your ADHD, you might relate it to that if you’re comfortable.



It could also be a stim (a repetitive movement that helps you regulate). If that’s true you have 2 options. 1) try to do more other stims and that one may lessen. It’s quite possible you do a bunch and just don’t know. Researching stimming may help with that. 2) just keep doing it and make other people deal with it. You’re living life. Just being you. Not harming anyone. It isn’t really your problem.



Yea that happens with my adhd I found humming with music helps me❤️❤️💐

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