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Updated 10mo ago

Constant Night Sweats: Is It My Medication or Something Else?

Does anyone else always wake up drenched in sweat but is freezing cold? is this a side effect of my medication or something else? it just started when i was on multiple medications with a kidney infection, but it kept going when i stopped taking those. but, i am still on my regular daily meds. now i keep waking up like this all the time. how do i make it stop?

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I have it too. I used to be the type of person to always use a blanket and even wear socks to sleep and now I can't. It's hot and I have night sweats since they increased this medication. I looked online and it seems alot of people have this as a side effect even though it's not listed as a side effect for the meds. I still haven't found a way to manage it yet, but I found one person online who had the same situation that did acupuncture for it and it went away.



yeah, i get night sweats

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