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Updated 11mo ago

Considering Psychedelic Therapy for PTSD: Need Advice

I am considering psychedelic therapy for my longstanding PTSD. I will have to taper off my psychiatric medications for the psychedelic to work, however. Does anyone have experience with this alternative treatment, good or bad?

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I’ve used psychedelics since my diagnosis, my best advice is to start at a low dose and use extreme caution when increasing the dose because I took too much once and it was pretty devastating. Other than that I find them to be very good for my mind. I don’t use them in a therapy setting, only alone, and I find that one trip gives me clarity that lasts for months, so I don’t feel the need to trip very often. I personally just take slightly more than a microdose so I get some sense of the experience without completely losing control because I’m not comfortable enough to go to that place again.



I have tried for more fun reasons than for PTSD, however every trip I’ve ever had has had a profoundly positive effect on my mental health. Most notably, major improvement from my depression for 6 months, despite only having one trip in that time. Since developing ptsd, I haven’t been able to find it again, but I always highly recommend it to folks seeking relief from their own minds. It allows for new neurological connections and often on the other side of a trip I have more solutions to mundane problems than before. I sincerely hope it helps!



Oh my god yes please try it. I took LSD for the first time a little while ago and came out of it having a significant portion of a recent very traumatic event lifted off my heart. I was able to tap into a completely different part of my brain and it was amazing. However, I will warn you, the first few hours were terrifying. I don't know how to describe what was going on extremely well, but it felt like my mind and my body were completely separate entities and my minds consciousness was trapped in my body and I couldn't move... It was terrifying. But I think overall the good that came out of it was worth being scared for a few hours lol but of course everyone has to weigh that for themselves



I considered it but couldn’t safely get off my meds to do so—I became incredibly suicidal when I tried. Instead, my doctor prescribed me IV and nasal ketamine and it’s been life changing. It’s also a dissociative medication like psilocybin.



I tapered off my benzo, but it took years. Don’t give up! It is sooooo worth it, not to rely on any substance anymore



Something I am considering for the future as well hope it is successful if you do try it!



The research is widening, I think there’s good evidence for it to work. I, myself haven’t tried it, yet



I’ve used psilocybin twice and it honestly saved me life. After horrific experiences on anti depressants (venlafaxine in particular) I was desperate and cannot say enough good things about it. The access to it though is incredibly challenging 😥



Wait do you have to stop all medications? I'm trying to thin out my daily medicines, but some of them are still really necessary. Also does weed have this effect? Because i'm trying to switch my pain meds to a better alternative, I already have enough problems as it is. If weed worked for both pain physically and mentally, that would be a dream come true for me..



I tried golden teacher mushrooms twice and they honestly saved my life. I got about 5/6 months out of them and now my problem is finding a reliable source. I’m declining rapidly again, I’m aware of it now after having felt relief for so long, and I’m flat out scared. Highly recommend them if you can find the right support and guidance ♥️♥️

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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