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Updated 11mo ago

Compression stockings causing bruises on leg hair?

Hi y’all I have been wearing compression stockings (ankle to upper thigh; 40mmHg) for awhile and noticed it tends to “bruise” my leg hair. I know that’s super specific and sounds odd but basically pin point bruises on the hair follicles and pain. I don’t know if the stockings are rubbing/pulling the hair causing this but I cannot find any information online. Again, I know this is super niche but if any other guys have this issue with leg hair and elastic/compression garments let me know! Also any suggestions are appreciated

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There is no specific information or suggestions provided in the context about bruising leg hair due to compression stockings.




I think I’m having a similar issue with my compression socks… no idea why



I don't get it that much, but I do have red dots on each of my hair follicles, I think it's because when putting them on, the hairs go in the opposite direction to what they naturally do, then the compression squishes them that way and makes it bruise/ sore (that's my guess, I'm not sure how to counter it though)



I don’t know for sure but it may just be the constant motion between trapped hairs and the socks. The hair follicles don’t usually move that much with regular clothing so it may be a period of adjustment? Not 100% sure but I definitely had something similar with compression/support bandages on my joints.

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