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Updated 10mo ago

Struggling with Cirrhosis: Need Someone to Talk To

26 years old with Cirrhosis. Having issues with low INR/PT. Bruising is happening more easily. I just need someone to talk to. So scared..

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31 with alcoholic cirrhosis. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. My entire body was a bruise when I first started this insane thing called recovery. 💕



43 with alcoholic cirrhosis. Not alone at all! My INT/PT took awhile to get back to normal, but it eventually did (4 years sober).



Congratulations on your sobriety I’m so happy for you it’s very hard work



I love seeing all these beautiful recovery stories. 36 with alcoholic cirrhosis. I get to see my liver specialist soon, hopeful it’ll be good but prepared for whatever may come.



My meld score is a 7 as of two appointments ago. My liver is losing density fast. I haven’t drank in almost a year now.



Hello my name is Jenny I am 41 and I have a fatty liver and cirrhosis due to my heart condition. I have had to open heart surgeries so my anatomy is little different than a normal person which makes my pressure very high in my liver. I’ve also Bartender all my life and I did like to drink but I was not an alcoholic. I’m sure the absolutely contribute to some of it also. Where I’m at right now I just got a hospital for a month and a half over the holidays I was in CHF and liver failure and my kidney started to fail because of everything also. Where I’m at right now my point in my life I am trying to get on a transplant list to have a double transplant of my heart and my liver at the same time. I’m right there with you I am absolutely scared but the only thing we can do is trust our doctors, not drink, and do what we have to do to get better. I have my first appointment for my liver doctor in April and I’m so scared but since my hospital visit I’ve been on low sodium diet, watching my calories and try not to drink. Unfortunately my boyfriend took me out to a really fancy dinner I did have a few glasses of wine but that was all I’ve had since then and of course I feel guilty for it but I’m human and we all need our vices, just as long as it’s in moderation. I am here if you would like to talk you can always DM me, always up to talking to people that know what I’m going through and of course making new friends in the process. I hope to hear from you good luck and take care of everything.😁



Hi, I am a recovering alcoholic. Nov. 2020. actively drinking. I had jaundice - that went away. beginning of Dec. I had a seizure, in a hospital for 8 days and I was told I have approximately 5% of my liver left...still drinking, Jan-3-21 Another seizure. This time liver cirrhosis at its best. stomach filling with 6-7 pints of fluid weekly. Numerous needles to different part of stomach to drain. End of Jan. I was Sent to Hospice. I was so drugged on Oxy. I stopped eating...

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