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Updated 11mo ago

Struggling with Chronic Pain

Hurting all over every day gets me down a bit

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Hi Jacci, I'm Ange I understand totally how you feel, the pain is horrible and people say "I know how you feel" but they really don't 😥



Chronic pain sucks, and it feeds depression. I try to do at least one thing every day just for me... to help lift my spirits.



That's a good suggestion. It does help. 👍



Chronic pain exhausts me. If I can stay ahead of the exhaustion, I don't fight the depression. Muscle rubs and relaxers help a ton. Aleve helps beat the fatigue. Drink way too much water-helps me, anyway.



Hang in there, it does suck



Good morning 😊😊. I just wanted to let you know that I do understand about the constant pain… I am older, and have fought pain mostly after I turned 50… I think it was due to the hormonal changes … getting worse as I aged. I know, and knew then the change was going to have to be an internal change. So over the years, I have modified my diet, doing this and that… and along the way I would relieve some of my pain, but things would happen, (broke my back from a fall) and I added to my pain again.. I researched… and researched…and removed things from my diet, added things to my diet.. more holistic.. ginger, turmeric, (has to have pepper), lemon, chia seed, garlic …and drink lots of water… I drink ginger and lemon tea with honey in the morning and there is a mixture that I drink that has 1/2 t cinnamon, juice of 1/2 squeezed lemon, 1c water 1/2 t chia seed.. mix and drink first thing in the morning.. the biggest difference for me.. and I say that again… for me… was when I quit eating meat… ( this has only been recently.. the last month…) I relied on Aleve for any pain that I had, and depending on the day, would have to use my Aleve sometimes 4 times a week… since I have quit eating meat, I have not used any… I find other sources of protein.. I eat peanut butter, beans, pea protein powder. I also incorporate Mother Natures apple cider vinegar into my diet.. 1/2 t, in water.. I never take it on an empty stomach though.. I feel better, and don’t hurt near as badly as I used to.. change of diet is work … Another thing that I do is juice… I invested in a slow juicer, and get all types of vegetables, including kale, spinach, celery, and red cabbage….celery and red cabbage are good for the stomach… and I use fruit with my juicing as well blue berries, raspberries, apples oranges… Juicing take a lot of time, from prep, to the actual process and then clean up.. but I love the results of how I feel when I incorporate that into my diet… My advice to you is to start with doing research… that is what got me on my journey… I watched you tube channel an typed in juicing and started watching everything I could find.. it sure opened my eyes .. the process of change is not easy… but once you do and start feeling the results you will be so much happier… I hope this has helped.. and I apologize because I know this is a very lengthy message.. but asking one thing.. if you do change your diet, and it does make a difference, please spread the word, help make more people aware.. some people are resistant, and for their own reasons will not believe that it is possible to feel better thru change of diet.. but it worked for me.. so that is why I share😊. There is a woman that I follow also, her name is Barbara O’Neill… she is a herbalist… check her out😊. I found her on tick toc.. she is filled with helpful information 😊😊 Hoping you day is a BLESSED day, and that things get better soon..💕



I have struggled with chronic pain for nearly 40 years. I started tweaking my diet after my RA diagnosis(2016). I started with gluten free. I knew wheat was an issue for me and also different waters affect my stomach which contributed to pain. I finally found a functional medicine Dr who helped me with fixing my gut and getting rid of my candida. I did the elimination diet. I had had many suggest that dairy could be an issue, but I didn't want to give up cheese. When I tested it I had a huge reaction ot pain all over. The only grains I have stuck with are rice and oat. And sugar is my enemy. I hope this helps someone. Thanks for your post and encouragement.



Although I never have pain-free days, sometimes I have 4 level days and others are 10s. When I’m having a 10 day, I somehow start to believe that the rest of my entire life will all be 10 days. That thought ups my stress and my pain. I calm myself through deep breathing and doing some cognitive behavior therapy.



Nobody but yourself knows how you feel when you’re dealing with chronic pain! I’ve been dealing with it practically all my adult life! It first started with the back with a failed fusion! Continued there after I had a fusion done and they had to go back in anyway d take it out as it wrapping around my arota! Next comes my neck which wss falling



(Finishing up chronic pain issue) so I had to go to another state for this operation! It failed so another surgery for broken neck which we don’t know how it happened ( first surgery was anywhere from 16-20 screws, second was 8-12 screws ) Each time I end up with everlasting pain! If there’s anybody out there that has dealt with anything like this Please help!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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