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Updated 10mo ago

Struggling with Chronic Pain and Depression

Hey yall, I am an individual who struggles with severe depression and with some sort of chronic pain and lately, I've been really struggling. My pain has been getting worse, lowering my overall quality of life, leaving me almost entirely housebound, which has in turn made my depression a lot worse. I went to a doctor recently for help with pain relief, specifically getting on medication, to which they said they didn't want to give me any because they didn't like throwing meds at things and that it wouldn't help later down the line. My worry is that, if my quality of life continues to decrease, that my depression will get worse and worse. Does anyone have any recommendations when it comes to asking doctors to give pain medications, or at the very least, other treatment options?

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My pain management/internal medicine doctor was the first doctor to actually listen to me. You might have to go see a specialist for meds. I am so sorry you are in pain.



There are a lot of ways to reduce pain and fight depression. But of course it is frustrating your Doctor couldn't give you something strong for now. When it comes to caring for long term problems it is best to indulge in things that are good for general well-being so you can keep taking it and it won't interact badly with medicine. When it comes to depression, doctors are keen to give antidepressants and they help reduce pain.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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