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Updated 10mo ago

Chronic Illness: Seeking Advice

I’ve been chronically i’ll these past few months- it’s feel like i’ve had a cold or even flu and it won’t go away. All my blood work came back normal, not positive for covid or flur or anything. It sucks and i feel like i’m being drained of all my energy. I’m not able to do anything and no medicines help. Anyone have any advice?

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I've experienced that. Hopefully it will go away soon for you. Rest should help more than anything else. Good luck.



That happened for too. I have FMF (Familiar Mediterranean Fever) it’s an auto immune disease and I have Behçet’s. And literally no one knew what was wrong but my doctor did some kind of DNA test and I have the FMF gene. And that’s how she figured out that I have it. I wish you luck. Just know you’re strong and you’ll figure it out:) sending love💗



Are you on any medication? I know anti-tnf therapy can give you cold like symptoms

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