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Updated 11mo ago

Dealing with Chronic Fatigue and Digestive Issues

I have chronic fatigue, and I'm used to being tired all the time, but recently I haven't been able to function. I can't stay awake. I've had 3 days this week where I did nothing but sleep all day, and then was still able to sleep all night. On top of it, when I am awake, I'm dealing with IBS and acid reflux every single time I eat, which hasn't been much because I also have no appetite. I don't understand what's happening. I'm currently working on seeing my specialist and getting tests run, but I'd love to know if anyone else has experienced anything similar.

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Feel this... Some days are better than others. Even looking at my phone is too exhausting to do sometimes. The doctors haven't been able to give any clarity into why i'm like this... I hope you'll be able to find answers. It feels like my doctors don't understand enough to even care.



I definitely could be wrong. My suggestion is to treat it as any autoimmune condition. Doctors dont know much on these conditions. So trying the most effective suggestions i find and see what helps. Ive been dealing with this for 30 years. On the plus side, the chronic fatigue (was sleeping 16 hours a day for months with huge brain fog) lifted after a few years. So it can get better. New autoimmune started with new cancer. New symptoms. New attempts to make better.



I have chronic fatigue (ME/CFS) too and this is usually what happens to me when I'm in a 'bust ' or 'crash' phase. I always enter a crash after a short period of over extended or exerting myself for something. When your fatigue is worsened your other symptoms (e.g. gastrointestinal issues) also worsen too. I also have 0 appetite when I'm in a crash. My crashes can last anywhere between 3 days and 2 weeks, so hopefully for you these symptoms will subside soon. Hope this helps xx



Oh man.. is that what’s happening to me right now…? I’m trying to go inpatient soon cuz it’s just so bad lately..



Yes to the naps and sleep. It could have been me writing that. However when it comes to the food part I can relate, but am different. I don't drink water half an hour before or after a meal

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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