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Updated 11mo ago

Looking for advice on changing anxiety medication

Hi I have generalized anxiety disorder and I am currently taking Prozac for it but I am looking to change because it doesnt seem to be working for me. Looking for any advice you have!

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Hey! usually it takes 4-6 weeks to see full affect of the medication. however if it’s been that long, you can try increasing the dose. or depending on your medical history they may add a medication or try something else like another SSRI, an SNRI, or Buspirone. good luck! 💕



I was on Prozac when I was first diagnosed, and I hated the way it made me feel. I felt like a zombie most of the time, and when I did have emotions it was anger. Thankfully I'm on something that completely works for me. Without the side effects, and all the crap that comes with Prozac.



I would suggest talking to your doctor and letting them know that you don't like how the medicine makes you feel and would like to try something new. There are PLENTY of other SSRIs. Getting through all of them may take a while (since you really need to he on something for AT LEAST ~2 months to know how it really affects you), but I'm sure you'll find one that works for you eventually.



Definitely talk to your doc. Prozac worked well for me for 3 years but I have PMDD so it mostly just helped me feel better around my periods. Your doc could have you try buspirone or escitalopram as well as those are commonly prescribed for anxiety. I didn’t like either of those but everyone is different so I’m not going to ever say don’t try something ☺️



Definitely talk with your doctor about other treatments. Prozac is one drug of many other SSRI meds. Bot there are also many other mechanisms , for example I take a medication from the SNRI group for my anxiety.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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