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Updated 11mo ago

Question about BPD and Splitting in Relationships

hey so question. i was recently diagnosed with bpd so i don’t know everything. is it considered a splitting episode if i’m currently rapidly switching between idealization/devaluation about someone else? i don’t know the terminology super well

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Yes, I'd say so, because it's between two opposing extremes



yes, sounds exactly like splitting!!



Yes it’s because we have black and white thinking also known as all or nothing. It is a very complex thing to understand for most. You can split from a person or pet or even an object due to our black and white / all or nothing mindset. We tend to have this thing of all good or all bad or all or nothing attitude. See the all or nothing is because we don’t necessarily acknowledge the grey area we don’t see or have that neutral for example take a person for your p.o.v. Take a person and say they did something you didn’t like they are now bad despite the fact that they did that to you in that moment you don’t see there good sides in that moment. I hope this helps

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