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Updated 11mo ago

Do people with BPD have manic episodes?

this may be a silly question, but do people with bpd have manic episodes, similar to bipolar people? i don’t want to be using a term specific to one condition. ofc i know that bpd people go through mood changes a lot faster than most bipolar people but i was just wondering if it applied to bpd too :)

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I’m actually not sure to be honest. I was diagnosed with both so if manic episodes do apply I wouldn’t have any way of knowing. My episodes usually follow the standard up and down usually described by someone with bipolar disorder though



I mean it's not uncommon for BPD to also be accompanied by other disorders like bipolar, borderline personality disorder is often times diagnosed with other health issues, I mean I only have my borderline diagnosis but I still have manic episodes.



I have both and I expressed to my doctor that I experienced manic episodes and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder so I don't think BPD has manic episodes tbh. I know you can go from thinking you're amazing to hating yourself in less than an hour with BPD but with bipolar those episodes are much longer and mine usually last 1-2 weeks.



From what I've read and experienced, bpd is associated with hypomania. It's not as severe as the full blown mania that is associated with bipolar. I think the difference is the extent of it. For me I can get hypomanic, so I can be impulsive, overspend, act differently to the norm but when my friends dad who had bipolar 1 was manic he would hallucinate and talk to / see people who had died. Everyone's symptoms are different though and I did have a friend in college who had bpd and had been hospitalized for an episode where her parinoia got so bad she thought the people on the TV were talking to her and trying to harm her. Personally I take 200-350mg of seroquel (quetiapine) which helps with my hypomania a lot and I believe that is usually given to people with bipolar for similar reasons but at higher doses. My dose has changed over the years depending on what's going on for me. I think both conditions have similar experiences but with bpd cycling through them quicker so maybe the hypomanic episodes end before then elevate to the manic episodes experienced by someone with bipolar

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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