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Updated 11mo ago

Experiencing Bone Pain Since Childhood, Anyone Else?

bone pain? hi all, I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced bone pain before? everyone around me never seems to understand what I mean when I say I've had pain in my bones since I was about 3/4 (I specifically remember because I would miss pre-k because I was crying in pain) and it's mainly triggered by the cold. any time the temp starts to dip my bones start hurting real bad and I haven't found anything that helps other than direct heat like a really hot bath or my heating pad on max heat. anyone have any tips or even relate? I just wanna feel a bit less alone on this, thanks

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Omg i relate to this so much!!!!



I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and my doctor says that she hears this a lot from people with fibro. Epsom salt in the hot baths have helped me a lot, and i also use my heated pad as well as compression gloves (i recommended the copperfit ice ones bc they breathe better and are more comfy to wear for long periods of time. I wear compression socks when I'm gonna be active or standing aong time



yes, all the time!!!



Oh my god that is me too. I hurt so so bad when it gets cold or hot. My bones hurt and ache all the time but it’s not even always related to temperature. I find that sometimes to just ache deeply.



Also there's some neuropathy creams that i have found really help my midsection, like my back and neck, ribcage, hips etc



The one i have is from Amazon it is made from a bunch of stuff that is supposed to help pain, hemp seed oil, and different stuff, it does have a minty sensation that i didn't like at first but overall it has helped my bone aches. Especially if you can get someone massage it in gently for you



whats the name?



I have extreme bone pain when the weather is cold and rainy. Lately it has been worse than it has ever been and it’s starting to really affect my life from loss of sleep mobility issues because of the pain. Any advice on how to deal with it would be welcome.



Same! Like sharp bone or itchy. And also nerve pain. I never know which it is but it feels like my leg bones have tiny ravors on them. The cold makes my hands and feet a mess. Honestly only things that help me are heating pad, Epson salt baths, sometimes THC (some kinds make it worse tho).



My bones have a deep ache when it's cold. It also happens when I have over exerted myself. For instance, when we moved and I was carrying a lot of boxes, the bones in my arms hurt horribly when I was done for the day. Any movement or pressure was excruciating. Sometimes it would last for days, other times a few hours and to varying degrees. Folic and Vitamin K help keep the episodes down some, or at least a bit milder. A heating pad or hot bath help the most. Topical creams, etc usually don't help me for this, they just dont reach deep enough. I cannot use hemp/cbd/thc products because I'm allergic to them.



Yes. This is how my back is. This is why I think this is spine related and not inflammation as ice cold water/ice packs and inflammation supplements have taken care of all my other pains such as my intense chronic neck pain and knee pain but it has not helped with my back pain at all. My back is still in chronic pain every day and night and a hot shower is what helps ease it.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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