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Updated 11mo ago

Do autistic individuals often overlook their own experiences?

Is it common amongst other autistic folks that we don't notice things unless they are pointed out as something we might be experiencing first? A while ago I met with my sleep doctor and they asked about how often I woke up with headaches. I didn't think I did, but now several months later I've been paying attention and I am noticing headaches all the time, especially when I'm having days where I just don't want to wake up. Maybe I just didn't notice because I deal with back pain all the time too?

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Yes I completely understand, I don't usually notice my symptoms or my behaviour until someone has braught up the subject or the question that leads to the subject. This happened with my psychiatrist when we were talking about certain conditions and I started to observe behavior that was second nature to me



Yes. I think there is a name for it. If I remember, I will flip through my favorite book on Autism later and let you know. But essentially, that would require processing and social cues, which is where a lot of our struggles often lay.



Yeah that's fairly common. It's a lack in introspection, the ability to perceive yourself, and it can effect a number of things ranging from having trouble with perceiving where you are physically which can look like bad motor skills to having trouble perceiving your own feelings and emotions which can look like "forgetting" to eat or sleep or having to have pain or emotions pointed put to you before you can realize you're experiencing them. Mine is bad enough I had to have an ESA that told me when to pee/eat/shower/sleep pretty much everyday.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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