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Updated 10mo ago

Autism and Illness: Coping with Sensitivity and Emotional Upset

Does anyone else with autism feel extra sensitive or emotionally upset when sick? I have a rly bad sore throat and it’s hard to cope. My head hurts and it’s hard to focus or stay positive

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Something that took me a really long time to be able to actually process until I had a semi major surgery is that literally every single part of your body is connected and effects each other. When you're neurodivergent this means that any physical issue no matter how minor may cause you to feel signficantly worse symptoms including the emotional symptoms like RSD and emotional dysregulation, same goes for mental health issues making things worse for people with physical disabilities. And when you have both chronic mental health issues and physical disabilities like me, well let's just say I'm having a very bad time with most minor inconveniences. Plus not to mention that things like hunger, nausea, pain, discomfort from being sick, ect are all sensations/stimulation that can be overwhelming and cause meltdowns and higher RSD issues especially when prolonged and if you cant self soothe adequately for whatever reason.



I’m not on the spectrum, but I get the same way! Being sick, even just a bit, completely messes with me and makes me an emotional wreck. I’ll cry, get frustrated, and lash out at others because it’s hard to regulate my emotions.



yes i completey get that, as it makes it so hard to think ab anything else other then the pain you're in. its tough, but i try and do things i find comfort in, like reading and listening to very familiar music



exactly it’s like my brain hurts



I don't know if I'm autistic, I've suspected it but never been tested, but being sick in any way always makes me extremely anxious and upset. I really don't handle it well.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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