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Updated 10mo ago

New to the app and seeking advice on autism/ADHD diagnosis

hi :) I'm new to the app. Currently in the process to get an autism and/or adhd diagnosis. I'd love to hear others' experiences with this!

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Another auDHD (slang for Autism-ADHD) potentially! Or ADHD or ASD — Either way, happy to see you’re on a diagnosis journey! Stay hydrate, I currently don’t have any big huge life advice for it since I just had my first session on November 22nd, but I will let you know that as soon as I got confirmation and medicated I felt myself unmask a little more / show a lot more hallmark signs of having both. Something about having a diagnosis basically removed the “what if” portion of me guilting myself into thinking “maybe I don’t have xyz”. Overall, getting a diagnosis and/or medication does let you unmask a little! So precautions there: You might feel a little energetic the first two days or so, haha. 💌🙏



Definitely give the above comment a read—I self-diagnosed as ASD due to the genetic history in my family, and even my psychiatrist said that even if we went through the process of diagnosis, there’s no medication for ASD available at this current time.



I have suffered from Autism my entire life and any questions you might have I would be glad to answer if I am able to.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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