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Updated 10mo ago

Feeling Tired When Interested in Something - Is it Related to ASD?

Hello, I have a question. Ever since I was in middle school and I liked a subject, I would feel “interested” yet tired. I don’t know why but the only way I can describe how I was feeling is like biting down on soft popcorn. Is this a cause of my ASD? Please help???

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I have no idea if this is an ASD thing, but I understand EXACTLY what you mean. There’s things I love to do, but i’m so exhausted and tired and done. When I do something I love, I expect to be excited and feel energized. Like eating a crunchy piece of popcorn or stepping on a crunchy leaf. But whenever I participate in my hobbies I just feel limp and tired? Like soft popcorn. I think that’s what you mean, if it is then I know exactly how you feel. I’m struggling with it so bad right now and I have no idea what to do about it.



Regardless of the issue, I don’t think it’s a cause of ASD, moreso a symptom. But I completely understand! I was bored in school most of the time, so when something interested me I got excited, but school doesn’t promote rabbit holes to dive deep into, just the surface of a subject. That’s maybe why it feels so soft. Maybe try to see what subject interests you in school and then do outside homework just for yourself! Maybe your own research will make it caramel and chocolate covered popcorn that’s super super interesting!



I know what you mean. You're tired because the sensory overload of life has worn you down. You're interested in stuff, but the cacophony of life is drowning it out and making it very difficult to feel anything other than exhausted.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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