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Updated 10mo ago

Seeking advice on ASD diagnosis with existing ADHD

I feel like I may need to talk to my psych about a possible ASD diagnosis, but I know there are so many comorbidities with my existing ADHD. If you have both, what are some experiences that have been signifiers of ASD than ADHD?

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Some individuals have shared that they experienced skepticism from healthcare providers when discussing the possibility of having both ADHD and ASD. They found it helpful to make a list of symptoms fo...See More




ASD and ADHD are usually co-morbid disorders



As bagelsforhagel said, there are a significant percentage of autistic people who have adhd. That said, there are *not* a significant portion of adhd people with asd symptoms, so if you have the symptoms on the non-inclusive asd side of the venn diagram I would ask your psych. That said, if you're an adult (or afab), you may have learned to mask, so it might be beneficial to look into a practitioner who specializes in adult (and women) diagnoses as most non-specialists are only taught symptoms of white amab children. Similarly, if you're a POC, I would suggest finding a doctor of color as children and people of color typically show different signs than white children (which is about whom the predominant research has been done). In the event that what you're looking for is a community rather than systemic support, I would suggest the reddit and Tumblr autism/adhd communities, both of whom are pretty open to self diagnosed auties.



thanks for the helpful info!



I have both autism and adhd, I find changes of routine very difficult to handle and taking things literal.. However having adhd on top makes it slightly worse for me because I am. Unable to regulate. My emotions so I end lashing out or kicking off. However since I have been. On medication for. Adhd I have found the symptoms of both autism and adhd have calmed down



Honestly, the biggest clue was that nothing was helping the ADHD. It is one of the most response mental disorders to medication, and I felt like mine were barely touching it. I knew I still felt broken but didn't know why. I just devoured everything I could online about ADHD until I stumbled into someone talking about ASD. I was hesitant at first because I didn't want to be looking for signs that weren't there through confirmation bias, but it was just too *real*. I matched these other people's experiences and I knew I wasn't imaging that.



I have both ADHD and ASD. Throughout my life, I felt 'different' very clearly, but didn't know why. When I got my ADHD diagnosis, and learnt more about it, I only realised that was explaining part of the issue, not all of it. I kept pressing, explaining to the Psychiatrist who assessed me for ADHD what was going on for me, and he realised it was ASD. Listen to your gut, listen hard. Then talk to someone very openly about what you're experiencing - all the differences, even if they're not 'troubles' for you. Be painfully honest, it's hard, but it's how they learn where to help. Best of luck!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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