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Updated 10mo ago

Struggling with Anxiety in High School

I'm currently a high school student and suffer from pretty bad anxiety. the past couple days or weeks or months have been like truly awful. I go through some days being totally motivated to go to school and I get throu the days but most of the time j physically can't bring myself to or leaving my room seems impossible last week I missed a lot of school but I can't decide if I can/,should go to school tmr or skip

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You got this!! Try to go to school tomorrow and definitely work with your guidance counselor to get some accommodations:)



I'm honestly not sure what accomodations to try to get



I've been there. If you can, I'd really recommend going and maybe talking to the nurse or guidance counselor. I was able to get accommodations for my anxiety in school. I think it was a 504 plan? With those accommodations I got a pass I could show to a teacher that let me go to the nurse any time I needed to. I used it frequently. Maybe you could get something like that.



i feel you! for me, lunchtime and being in the lunchroom has always been a major part of this stress. i have a teacher who let me eat in her room for all of the past semester. use your support system, it's in place to help you!

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