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Updated 11mo ago

Experiencing Tics with Anxiety, Depression, and ADHD

Does anyone with Anxiety, depression, ADHD or all three also experience tics or tourrettes syndrome? I have been experiencing tics for a while now and have not been diagnosed yet. any suggestions or tips?

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I have! What kind of movements are you experiencing? Sometimes I constantly have to move my ears, or tense up my jaw, or even twitch my nose! I haven’t been diagnosed with tics as I’ve never shown or mentioned them to my counselor, and they aren’t always there. Sometimes maybe for a few weeks, sometimes lever a month then stops, then comes back again.



I would say that trying to relax may help some, but from my experience it it just something that happens sometimes and I hope you don’t feel as tho you are weird for it because that’s not the case.



not me, but one of my friends had depression and anxiety and if it weren’t for her age, she would’ve been diagnosed with tourette’s. her doctors haven’t been super helpful and the tics were affecting her a lot. she’s recently tried CBD gummies (with a little bit of THC, it helps the CBD work better and isn’t enough to get you high) and has liked them so far



I don’t have Tourettes but one of my ADHD friends does. About 70% of people with Tourettes have ADHD so you’re def not alone! I see you don’t have Tourettes selected on here. If you think you might have Tourettes and want to talk to Tourettes people on here I would encourage you to select it. As I’m sure you know tics are completely involuntary sounds or movements; you may get a feeling before hand (called a premonitory urge) that “tells you” what tic you’ll do. I know for my friend sleep and reducing stress are important, but I would encourage you to ask the question under Tourettes!



Have you ever had a sleep study before?



I have anxiety and sometimes anger issues due to that + depression + sensory issues. Tics happen due to anxiety and often it’s caused by build-up of stress and not having a place for it. Best way to get rid of the tics is to get your mind off of them and get rid of stressors whether you prefer solution or distraction.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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