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Updated 11mo ago

Alternative Treatments for Depression and Anxiety?

Hi everyone. I have a couple of questions. 1) Is there any alternative medications or treatments (not anything marijuana related, can’t have it due to my job) to help with depression or anxiety? Specifically in regards to fatigue? 2) Does anyone have any suggestions to help me wake up in the mornings? Waking up is impossible for me. I go to bed by 11pm, and I can’t wake up until 9/10am. I’m not great at sleeping either which doesn’t help. It really messes with my ability to work. 3) What helps y’all with insomnia sleep? I’ve been taking Trazodone 50mg for 6ish months. I’m currently weaning off of it because I think it might be making me extra tired, sleep more than needed, and not being able to wake up. I don’t struggle falling to sleep. I struggle with waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to go back to sleep. Melatonin makes me drowsy the entire next day.

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1) vitamin B-12 has been helpful for my fatigue from depression



1) Organic Ashwagandha has been game changing for me. I take 1 gram once a day and I noticed a difference within about a month. I also really like L-theanine and GABA for anxiety. Rhodiola is another great thing to help with anxiety. For energy though, I’d recommend a methyl B supplement, specifically with B-12. 2) hmmm your cortisol levels could be low and that’s why it’s hard to get up. I also have this issues and it turns out I have adrenal fatigue so cortisol isn’t produced in the morning, therefore making it so difficult to get up. I’d ask your doctor to get checked! It’s a really easy saliva test, and costs about $100 if you also have your hormones checked. The lab my doctor used was ZRT Labs. 3) I don’t have insomnia, but I do struggle with staying asleep. L-theanine and and phosphatidylserine really helped me fall asleep before bed. Magnesium is another one to try. I don’t know if those can be taken with your medication though so definitely check with your doctor! I hope some of this was helpful, and just know you’ve got this!! 💜









Kenneth- I take a multi-vitamin with B-12 in it. I’ve also taken just B-12, but it didn’t really do anything for me. StrawberryCup, I’ll have to look into those meds! I’ll definitely look into my cortisol levels. I’ve had my hormones checked, but I don’t think they checked cortisol levels. Your comment was very helpful! Thank you! Blankitten, I’ll have to look into biofeedback. Did you have any negative side effects with it? MissUni, I LOVE my weighted blanket!



I recomend looking into essential oils, aromatherapy, and naturally based energy enhancers. These have been working amazingly for me. 1) (a)I've been using this energizing spray that I made with eucalyptus, orange and cedarwood. (b)V8 makes caffiene drinks that are based on green tea. They are different from mainstream chemical-based energy drinks because I can read and understand Every ingredient, none of which are chemicals. 2) (a)Lavender works wonders on anxiety. Lavender and jasmine oil bath is highly recomended. (b)I also have one of those incense smoke waterfalls, which work. 3) I agree with MissUni on the weighted blanket, ... but that't all I've got.



Just a quick note, cbd helps exactly like marijuana but does not get you high and is legal in all 50 states. Literally the only difference I can tell is that I don't get light headed or that high feeling with the cbd. And it doesn't show up as thc on a drug test



I'm an insomniac, but when I do sleep, I'm near impossible to wake up. Melatonin, B12, trazodone, nyquil, benadryl. None of that helped. Ambien gets me to sleep, but you have to be aware of the potential side effects of sleepwalking/talking/driving. Also, try putting on Marconi Union, specifically "Weightless (Ambient Transmission Volume 2)."



As far as waking up, I have an alarm clock similar to this one. Scares the bejeezus out of me sometimes, but it's very effective.



I second the CBD. I buy mine off a site called onyx and rose. Its a little spendy but really high quality. I have the same sleep problems and have overslept work a couple times and now when I wake up in the morning I’m automatically anxious and feel rushed no matter what I do. I’ve been taking one in the morning and it has CBD but also some green tea (50mg caffeine) and it’s a nice boost in the morning for a calm but not tiring effect and then I’ve been able to relax more during the day and then feel more relaxed at night. I also find that gentle stretching is helpful before bed (even as short at 3-5 minutes) just to get out some of the aches



I want to add onto StrawberryCup's comment here regarding ashwagandha. You can't absorb it without eating it with fats/oils. And, it's not recommended for those with PCOS. Source:



Here's my morning routine for combatting anxiety at work. I've tried many supplements over the last 5 years and this is the only consistent routine I've had: - 125mL of CBD from Not Pot - 1 Aurum+ capsule - 1 Vitamin D3 capsule - 1 Zinc capsule I also try not to eat too sugary foods or drink caffeine bc it can drain my energy (not good when I'm trying to be resilient to stress).

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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