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Updated 10mo ago

Struggling with Alcohol Addiction

Hi, I just joined this group. I have multiple medical issues I deal with on a daily basis but the one I feel needs the most attention is my alcohol usage. I'm trying to change my habits and it's REALLY HARD. Anyone else have something similar going on?

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Hey! I have struggled with addiction to alcohol for the past 12 years (I started drinking when I was 17 and it escalated to full on addiction by now at 29). I finally came to the point where I was ready to be done and I'm now a little over 4 months sober. Coming here to start talking about it and finding support is an amazing step! If you have FB, I found a group on there called SoberMotivation, that's the most supportive group I've found and reading and commenting on other people's posts (or posting myself) has helped me a ton. I also love the Sober Time app for tracking because it has pretty backgrounds and makes me feel good to track my time (some people don't like to track so that's whatever works best for you!) Coming to this mindset of getting support is a huge turning point though and I'm soooo proud of you!! Also reading as much as I could about alcohol and addiction has opened my eyes a TON to see the changes that actually happened in my brain that were perpetuating this and to figure out how my brain and body were able to heal. It helped me see alcohol objectively rather than my brain making excuses for myself to continue like I was. I hope any of this might help you too!



Thankyou so much!!! I really appreciate you. It's nice knowing that other people struggle with this. Not that I didn't know that, but to actually read it is very comforting.



Of course!! I know what you mean for sure that it's nice to know we're not alone. I appreciate you so much too!❤️



I’m similar. While I was drinking I was trying to fix things but none of it was really working and I was just making things worse with the drinking. AA worked absolute wonders on me. Bad things happened in my life during sobriety but man, I can take them on and I am kicking ass. Getting sober and doing AA gave me the room, the tools, the mental capacity, and the willingness to actually go after the issues in my life. Absolutely changed my life into something I could never imagine I am a completely different person I love it



Dealing with addiction issues now. Thought this group would be helpful. AA and others were not



I have fought and suffered with addiction of many forms. Even got stuck on meth cause I was told it was coke... been clean for many years now. The hardest thing for me was alcohol. As soon as I woke to whenever I passed out I drank. My kid knew and I didn't care. I drove, I worked I did everything and noone knew besides my very young daughter. The only thing that finally got me was truthfully... dieting. Most of my calories were from the drinks I knew it. I found intermediate fasting. During your fasting times you only can have water pretty much. No calories or sugar of any kind. I started slow but I hit my highest weight @ 220 lbs and just couldn't bear it any longer. My first week I saw results. My first month I lost 20lbs. I was excersising pretty intensly and backed off some. Lost 10 the next month and 50 total. Then plato-ed out. Trying to get the motivation to begin again. One small step at a time. Along a full-time job, my child, school, and I had literally 14 different appointments all together this month. I am doing my best to begin again. And my almond milk transition helped with my dehydrated fruit & vege smoothie mixes.



I struggled with it until i woke up in the hospital and i was 4x over the legal limt and i had alchohol poisoning and apparently the doctors told my parents that they had done everything they could of to save me......and thats when i woke up 🙏🙌 i havent touched the stuff ever since and its going on 6 years......moral of the story stick with the ganja lol but seriously youll get through this one step at a time....because you dont want to end up like me trust me👍🙏

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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