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Updated 11mo ago

Advice on Weed Dependency

btw I'm 15 NOT 18. I just want advice on weed dependencies I guess I've been smoking daily since I was 14 and I always think it isnt a problem until I run out and don't have money. I'm not like a crazy addict that steals money from her family or gets violent or anything I just get super overwhelmed and sad. ots hard to see it as a problem when I'm always at my best with it. like right now I'm doing great in school because it helps me get to sleep on time and relax after school. seeing it written down I know how bad it is but I don't know how to stop

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i would slowly start to ween myself off of it, cutting back more and more each day or week, whichever works best. Perhaps finding other things that help you sleep or relax will help out, too.



Hey! I am glad you found something that makes life a bit better. I don't know you so please take this with a grain of salt. It sounds like a coping mechanism, and honestly not the worst kind (I am personally a fan). If you dont like being dependent on it maybe you could look into talking to a counselor or just your primary care doctor about anxiety. They havent done enough research about how weed affects a developing brain but it might be something to look into considering how your age. ❤



Ive started smoking around your age... I still smoke... It costs money and thats stressful espically as an adult. If youd like to stop id slowly ween off and try to new things to distract yourself!!! I agree it helps with sleep. Maybe talking to a doctor or a therapist about some,opinions or options! I know with the the age its most likely hard. It has always helped me but i have the same isues sometimes with it running out and what not. I hope you find the answers you're looking for !!!



Thank you so much for responding everyone, I really didn't expect all these replies <3<333 this was all really good advice. I guess I'm worried that if I talk to a counselor or someone they might put me in rehab or call the cops yk :/ which to be honest is something I've though of before (rehab) But I feel like rehab is for people with real addictions and I don't want to take a bed from someone who needs it or be judged for even bringing the idea up but I also remember when I was 13 and went to this mental hospital it was actually helpful, having a routine and stuff. I used to vape then (i know embarrassing 😭) but I remeber thats around the time I quit because being in a hospital for 2 weeks was enough time to like get it out of my head and stuff. Another thing abt talking to a counselor is my school thinks I'm a rlly good student right now, like I have great relationships with all my teachers (especially my counselor:/ ) and I don't want them to look down on me or think I'm a bad person because of this, I actually planned to talk to the school abt it on Friday but I just ended up crying before even seeing her so I canceled the appointment. But the advice about doing other things to distract yourself does help a lot during the day, but at night it's the worst. Like last night I tried to go to sleep and I felt obligated to smoke like my body wouldn't go to sleep withought it even though I was too tired to finish counting to ten (tried counting to help sleep). So yeah if anyone has experience with asking for help at a young age I'd love to hear it tysm



Ahh thats so long my bad

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