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Updated 10mo ago

Looking for ADHD treatment alternatives

Heyy, my name is kyla. My mom didn’t want to give me any medication because I looked too “drowsy” saying that I could easily just control it. Very wrong. I couldn’t. 😂 Other then Medication, is there any other treatments?

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my therapist recommended coffee! because of the way the brain works with people when they have adhd, caffeine has a very significantly different role with people with adhd! I didnt want to take medication because of the addictive properties and medical history, so my therapist said that in adhd medications, there is usually a main ingredient of caffeine, and recommended having some coffee with me and drinking it throughout the day to help. it's a lighter dosage, of course, but it helps me just enough, and brewing coffee at home is always fun :] good luck!!



haha, yeah! coffee definitely! I also meditate daily for 15 mins per day. Knowing when to push and pull on tasks really helps. For example, set a timer to complete my work in 30 mins increments and taking 5-10 mins break as a "award" helped me get through more tasks faster



Monster energy works great for me. Just don't drink too much 😅

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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