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Updated 11mo ago

Tips for managing ADHD symptoms without medication

question: does anyone here have any tips for managing ADHD symptoms (esp. concentration ) without the help of stimulants /pharmaceutical pills?

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Everyone with ADHD is wildly different, but here are a few things that help me :) I'm 20 and have a full-time job, and it's an office job. I struggle to sit there and concentrate on what I'm doing for long periods of time. I have fidget toys on my desk I use from time to time, and I also am one of those people that can only focus when I have too many things going on, almost like I'm understimulated constantly. I always ask my coworker I share my office with if we can open the door so I can hear conversations/background noise as I work. or I make conversation with her. It greatly improves my performance. Also, my boyfriend also has ADHD, so talking to people with similar symptoms helps a lot for me. I lose things a lot, to the point where I sob because I feel so stupid. The only way to help me personally is writing in a diary I have, or talking to someone who understands. There's of course a lot more to ADHD, but those are the biggest things that help me. My psych doesn't want to put me on stimulants due to issues with drugs I've had in the past.



I personally at 33yo find that cannabis really helps with my ADHD. It really counteracts the negative side effects of my meds and on days I forget to take my meds it also helps me stay focused and stops me from being impulsive.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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