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Updated 11mo ago

Struggling with ADHD: Seeking Non-Medication Solutions

I have absolutely no clue how to deal with my adhd. I am constantly focusing on things I shouldn’t be, I’m incredibly unorganized mentally and physically. I’m struggling to deal with this, and I am wondering if anybody here knows any ways to help deal with adhd without medication? I can’t get medication due to personal reasons, but I really need the help. Thank you for your time.

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Journaling, I am never consistent with it, and I'm convinced I never will be. But when I feel completely out of control, I focus on making a really cool bullet journal spread



Bullet Journaling helps me get on the right path of organization, start the snowball of productivity



Make a to do list with some rewards if you do something. Put the to do list on something you're constantly looking at like a laptop or a tv



a free way that I help myself is having a very mildly interactive game open while I try to focus. the game I use is pokemon go, and I dont exactly know how to explain how it helps but basically. Part of why focusing on work is hard because it feels like I'll never get a break, but it's really easy to focus if I know I'll get a little notification to catch a cool monster in a minute or two. Sure it may slow things down but it's better than doing nothing.



I like to start my mornings by making a list of things I need to get done today no matter what(examples of things are things that are due that day) and be realistic with it and gentle with yourself. It removes the stress of there being 3000 things I want to do and being disciplined so that everytime I want to start a task that’s not on there, I remember I have a list, I know what I should be doing. Then block out specific times to do those tasks and TAKE BREAKS(super important!)

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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