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Updated 10mo ago

The Impact of Diet on ADHD and Autism

does people who have ADHD and autism does there diet have the most important impact on your lives

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there are people with sensory issues regarding texture, or eating the same thing over and over again until it grosses you out and you don't eat it anymore, generally can be picky, so it can affect food. along with analyzing cleanliness and wanting things a certain way, it can also be hard if you forget to eat or don't eat because you don't feel hungry, which is also due to adhd/autism. it can affect many things



huh that's really interesting the eating part and feeling not hungry and forgetting is me haha



I have introspection issues from both which makes it so I can't really feel when im hungy all of the time until there's hunger pains noticeable enough that I cant ignore it, sometimes that can even take a few days. Because of my ADHD i struggle to keep a reliable schedule so I can't plan out meal times. Because of my autism I can have issues with texture and sometimes strong tastes, and even worse if you add in my deficiencies it sometimes shortens the list of things I can eat even further. Sometimes I have a short list of safe foods and I'm craving an entirely different nutrient so I just don't eat. It can be rough but having someone check in on me or setting alarms and keeping snacks around can help

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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