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Updated 11mo ago

Struggling with Acid Reflux: Seeking Tips and Advice

i’ve tried so many acid reflux meds and i have no idea if any of them were even working to help my gerd. my acid reflux is usually bad all day, and flares up at night, and gives me shortness of breath - thus a lot of anxiety & stress when i have to talk. i’m usually sulking all day, and i never feel like my stomach gets emptied all the way after i eat. i wondered if it’s due to my pectus or sciolosis… if any of this resonated with you please give me your tips!!!

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I have delayed gastric emptying aka gastroparesis. Don’t exactly know why I developed it, but I have to take motility meds for it and adhere to a strict diet



yeah, i feel this. i’ve found it helpful to chew gum right after eating and to try and take deep breaths when i feel acid, which might be hard with the shortness of breath though… i’m curious if you’ve gotten an egd scope done before. i’m on omeprazole right now but my gerd is the worst it’s ever been so i definitely relate



i was supposed to get one a couple months ago but i’d lost my insurance. maybe soon i’d like to get one done though because i believe it’s the source of a lot of my agony lol

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