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What's the most helpful change you've made to your environment or lifestyle to accommodate your chronic illness?

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    • Milkovich


      Not working. Only problem is that the financial difficulties have been devastating:(

    • Milkovich


      Not working. Only problem is that the financial difficulties have been devastating:(

    • faerywyrm


      My biggest lifestyle change was to actually reach out for help. I went from constantly wearing a mask of normalcy to being accepted and cared for. My team gives me the support I need, and even helped me move into a great place where I am accepted as I am.

      • Bre19


        @faerywyrm glad to hear that

    • midnightgypsy


      Isolating myself not going to pubs drinking not avoid alcohol and drugs only socialise with my old school friends and learning to say no I can't sorry I'm looking after me and my kids

      • Bre19


        @midnightgypsy good

    • Overcomer


      Learning to say that I can't. And resting

      • Bre19


        @Overcomer so proud

    • Beckboop


      Finding a way I can do something even if it’s not the same as the way other people do it.

      • Bre19


        @Beckboop thats amazing it doesn't matter if it's not done a "normal way" as long as you are taking care of yourself

    • bluebutterflytroupe


      Breathing deep breathing stay still and know it's going to be OK try to think positive

      • Bre19


        @bluebutterflytroupe that's amazing keep taking those moments to help yourself be grounded

    • FatHammie


      Relaxing when my body tells me too. As I'm always on the go.

      • Bre19


        @FatHammie that's good!

    • qveenofthecastles


      Switching to a low toxic lifestyle 💯

      • Bre19


        @qveenofthecastles yesss!

    • Jai.Rain


      Figuring out what helps me when my dissosiation starts has helped me so much! And having a good support system that know what helps me, helps alot.

      • Bre19


        @Jai.Rain that's good!

    • hauntedluminary


      Spending time with my fiance. He keeps me distracted and helps me figure out what we should do to help me start feeling better. Idk if this counts, but it helps me :)

      • Bre19


        @hauntedluminary that's good!

    • Iamkitkat


      Walking and hiking. If I die from a heart attack, at least I'll have an amazing view

      • Bre19


        @Iamkitkat walking is good maybe go slow though

    • Astara


      Medical medium protocols. Emphasis on the Celery juice!

    • Aiya_the_ill


      Putting my needs before pleasing others. Be a spectacular inconvenience if you need to 😉

      • Bre19


        @Aiya_the_ill that's good

    • shays


      Ro relax and and zone out so if people call me I don't hear them

    • Harleytemptressquinn


      Getting rid of distractions including family

      • Bre19


        @Harleytemptressquinn that's good

    • Trainwreck


      Reading the books of the Medical Medium and follow his protocols that eliminates the bad foods that feed the viruses, etc in the body causing the chronic disease and detoxing the toxins! Otherwise at 60 years of age had seen many doctors/specialists that had no answers…gave me a label of celiac disease to IBS …but the drugs did nothing and various diets tried failed. Researched and tried alternatives like FODMAPS; SCD diet; remove nightshade, lectins to trying Dr. Axe’s leaky gut program that also failed. In that particular program that offered private Facebook group for support and to chat with others, is where I was referred to the Medical Medium. My best results are from his protocols. Of course there will be much stated he is a scam…,,not in my book or from my health improvements. If a scam…best damn scam I’ve ever tried! My immune system is strong… I can leave my home again and enjoy life with chronic disease issues healing or healed…like dry eye, eczema, reflux, indigestion., healed numerous food intolerances…. reduced diarrhea issues drastically so I can be out and about without fear of accidents. So the protocols of the MM was the most accommodating for my chronic illnesses. Read his books…info on line..Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest and more. He’s not a scam but know why he’s labeled a scam……because he reveals the “truths” to the whys of chronic illness! We are to stay “dumbed down” about this info to keep taking drugs to going to doctors/hospitals! Unfortunately the medical system cares less about our HEALTH and keeps us unhealthy for their benefits! What the FDA allows in our food/water is disgusting. Our children/future of this world have a ridiculous increase in chronic diseases in children over past 50 years at the hands of so called “doctor” Fauci!!! 😱 Uncalled for ..shameful! For example. …a nasty bowel leakage issue was never resolved over all the doctors seen…to find when making bone broths for leaky gut program …needed filtered water. So bought a 5gal jug of reverse osmosis water and decided to drink and cook with this as jokingly I thought as I eliminated so many foods with not good results (before the MM) maybe it’s the water! Well in two weeks that nasty symptom started to heal.. and no drug or diet helped …to research what would be in water to affect my bowels!?!!! FLUORIDE!!!! Once I continually used filtered water and avoided any forms of fluoride, that bowel leakage symptom that started a year after moving to a city with fluoridated water, has not returned!!! I bought the Berkey water filtration system with add on fluoride filters ..ProOne now has a system with one main filter that also removes fluoride and they are compatible to the Berkey system. I avoided to continue with the reverse osmosis water as it removes beneficial minerals and is acidic! Not good for your health but thankful for it as it offered me the use of it to learn what my body was fighting against! Unfortunately all the doctors I told about simply avoiding the fluoride finally stopped the years of bowel issues …they didn’t care!!! BINGO!!!’ THEY DIDN’T …CARE..TO LISTEN! Our health the dental organization…still endorse fluoride…a neurotoxin! Our environment to the drugs are toxic and causing so much disease. Yet we are all convinced that the medical system of the past 50+ years cares! 🤣

      • Astara


        @Trainwreck Hello, I love Medical Medium too. Have you done a cleanse to heal cleanse? I've done one once. Just wondering if you got many results from any cleanses? Thanks 🙂

    • sorenachy


      Learning to listen to my body. It wasn't easy to learn, but it has helped so much

      • Bre19


        @sorenachy that's good

    • BoneDustWoman


      Learning to pace myself and rest when needed has helped so much. It can be frustrating because I feel like I'm missing out on life, but having more energy and less pain is so important. Also, finding a medicine that manages my inflammation makes a huge difference.

      • Bre19


        @BoneDustWoman thats amazing

    • 55isMe


      Watching and recognizing first symptoms and modifying my actions to minimize megative effects. Some people may see this as losing to the illness, but i consider it winning. It puts me back in more control of my body.

      • Bre19


        @55isMe that's good

    • ae_belli


      Sleeping every night.

      • Diamondlife


        @ae_belli Yes! Sleeping every night is essential, so I have a routine from dnd to soothing room lights and meds. All of which help a great deal.

      • Bre19


        @ae_belli same

    • JohnLocke


      I think exercise is really important for me but eating raw living foods really helps me emotionally

      • Bre19


        @JohnLocke so glad that it helps you

    • cogsquatparsnip


      Going to my dad's less

      • Bre19


        @cogsquatparsnip that's good

    • legdaybae


      I've changed how I dress and what I take with me so I can still enjoy my life. I don't leave the house anymore without my tote: nausea bracelets, zofran, and a THC vape pen for nausea/pain, Klonopin for anxiety, comfy shoes and dressing in layers for heat/cold temp changes even if I end up looking totally out of style lol. My fold up cane. Pain medicine. Electrolytes. And a protein snack.

      • Bre19


        @legdaybae that sounds amazing

    • MCADBox


      Understanding that healing is a multi system approach and that I needed a lifestyle over haul of sorts. Diet, toxic load, supplements, meds, parasympathetic nervous system work, liver support proper detox…the list is so long is crazy. I have diving heavy on the research of all the conditions I have to learn more about cause. We are acidic beings, especially Americans ( sorry our standard American diet is one significant part of the problem but not the whole picture). This is on a cellular level and part of it is that we are so overloaded with toxins that we sick in many different forms. I have always experimented on myself in order to find what works best for me and I have three other things I am looking to try that are probably very ours side of the conventional medicine world, but so far that has done me justice. If anyone is interested I have a great article I found that explains with research articles referenced at the bottom. And I am an open book and willing to share any information that might someone else, just pm me.

      • Bre19


        @MCADBox that's a lot of wisdom

    • Irelan


      Surprisingly, cutting my hair. I used to have over a foots length of hair before I cut it, and I hold it so close and dear to me so I donated it to make a wig. It was a truly amazing process!

      • Bre19


        @Irelan that's good

    • dolphinblues


      The biggest helpful change I made was learning to listen to my body and not push myself to the breaking point every day. It took getting so sick that I should have died for me to understand that though. Don't wait until you are told, "you have pushed your body so far that you should not be walking and talking right now".

    • Rosabella


      Working from home

      • Bre19


        @Rosabella nice

      • legdaybae


        @Rosabella ugh I have been wanting to do this for a while now, I am a massage therapist and making good money but man is it wrecking my body. Having a hard time finding another job that even comes close to replacing the pay id lose and the math never checks out. Maybe someday ❤️

    • Kittypop


      Consuming a more anti-inflammatory diet/paying attention to what I'm eating/drinking. The less inflammation-the less pain I'm in 👍

      • dolphinblues


        @Kittypop this was really hard for me to do. It took me forever to figure out what foods were ok and what wasn't. But, it definitely helped once I figured it out and stuck with it. It was really hard for me to stick with, especially when I saw other family members eating my favorite foods that I should not have. But, once I felt the difference, I didn't want to go back to eating those things.

      • Bre19


        @Kittypop yep

    • Turtl3g0spl4sh13


      I grew up in a culture of always showing the outside world I was "fine" even when I was sick, which eventually lead to me ignoring my needs an adult. It made me push way past my boundaries and cause so much more damage to my body than I ever should have. So, the change in my lifestyle that has helped is listening to my body, and setting my limits regardless of social norms.


      • KatieKitKat


        @Turtl3g0spl4sh13 totally understand! My mom & sister always pushed me to do things out of my comfort zone, which did help a bit. But I've realized I've been masking my symptoms ever since to be "acceptable" in their eyes when being social with the world. I've been slowly trying to let the real me shine through while also being respectful to others. But man is it hard!

        • KatieKitKat


          @KatieKitKat And I'm learning to listen to my emotions & working on letting them out in a healthy way instead of bottling them up.

      • Bre19


        @Turtl3g0spl4sh13 yep

    • Trumpet_Man



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