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Updated 1y ago

Living with A-fibb Diagnosis: My Story

So I was just diagnosed with A-fibb. I havent started medications yet..but I'm really worried every time MY heart starts racing..I get super scared

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Just keep track of your episodes. I ended up having a ablation and haven't had a problem since



I was diagnosed with A-fib about 7 years ago. My heart was shocked back into place. After that I've been doing good. Except for this year. I had an ablation on March 28, 2022. That's the first one I have had. I'm doing very good now. Just keep on top of what is happening with your heart. Also I pray that you have a good cardiologist



Just note all your symptoms for your doctor and keep track of the episodes. Had my 2nd cardioversion this week. I really don't think if worked. I am heading for an ablation I think. For those that had a ablation how was it. Is it inpatient or outpatient?



I was diagnosed with afib during my hospitalization with covid during Dec 2021. I didn't even know it was happening. My cardiologist suggested me using one of those things they put on your finger to check your oxygen level. It also has a pulse meter in it. I was told I'm ok as long as my pulse stays under 100. I am on eliquis for the afib, and other meds for blood pressure (lisinopril, amlodiprine, and carvedudlol) I was hoping to get off of some of this medicine, but my cardiologist said I was on a good combo for me.



Hi there. You must eliminate all caffeine. Eliminate energy drinks. And be careful with drinking alcohol. And most definitely eliminate stress and those that causes you stress. God bless.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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